Why do research?
Clinical Trials help Doctors understand how to treat a particular disease or condition. It may benefit you, or others like you, in the future.
As a practice, we feel that research is essential for NHS progress and can be of considerable benefit for individual patients and the public as a whole.
What is research?
Research can involve a range of activities, from filling in a questionnaire or being interviewed, to testing a new drug or procedure. Each study will explain, in detail, what is required.
How do you choose who to invite?
This practice takes part in research studies with the help of experienced NHS staff who access patient’s medical records solely for the purpose of identifying and inviting patients to take part in research studies. Each study will be looking for different patient ‘groups’ based on set study criteria. No personal identifiable data is removed from the NHS or provided to any researchers without specific consent from patients.
Do I have to take part in research?
If you receive an invitation to take part in research, you are not obliged to take part. If you don’t want to be contacted about research studies at all, please let the reception staff or your GP know.
If you take part in a Clinical Trial, you may be one of the first people to benefit from a new treatment.