NHS Lothian text communication

Please see this update from NHS Lothian regarding communication you may receive from hospital. Instead of a letter, you may now be given a text with a link to click

Scottish Primary Care information Resource (SPIRE)

SPIRE has been developed to help Doctors, the National Health Service (NHS) in Scotland and researchers to lean more from patient information held at GP practices. They will use it to help all NHS patients in Scotland. information from your medical records – and those of millions of other people in Scotland – will help medical professionals to improve the quality of care for all patients, plan services, develop new treatments, find out about side-effects and respond to major epidemics.

SPIRE moves information electronically and securely, from GP Practice records to NHS National Services (NNS). They will then use SPIRE and other IT systems to give better information to the NHS in Scotland, to assist in approving research.

Choosing not to take part in SPIRE

If you do not want your health information to be used, please fill in this form and return it to your practice. They will make sure your personal information is not used. When you have done that, NSS will not get any personal information from your GP practice’s health records.You can choose not to take part, or you can change your mind and take part at any time. Your choice will not affect the care you get from your GP practice or hospital.