We benefit from the expert services of senior Physiotherapists (GP APPs) who you may be directed to see with musculoskeletal conditions. Please click here for more information on this service.
Our GP APPs are able to offer assessment, diagnosis and first line management for anyone over the age of 16 with the following conditions:
- All soft tissue injuries (strains, sprains or sports injuries)
- All joint pains (hips, knees, shoulders) including osteoarthritis
- Spinal pain (neck, mid and low back)
- Nerve pain (sciatic and nerve related)
- Mobility issues
APPs are unable to see anyone with the following:
- Dizziness
- Gynaecology problems
- Patients who are housebound
- Acute mental health
- Neurological conditions
APPs do not prescribe or offer medication reviews, but they can liase with GPs if they feel any medication is required or can request a sick line if appropriate. They are also able to initiate any xrays required and can refer on to their colleagues in St John’s hospital if further treatment is required.
The Advanced Physio appointments are 20 minutes long so you will have more time for a detailed assessment than a GP or ANP appointment.
Further information about the service can be found here.
Our current APPs are Kate Robertson and Kirsty Porte.