Mental Wellbeing

NEED HELP NOW? Call ‘BREATHING SPACE ’ free on 0800 83 85 87 or text ‘YOUNG MINDS ‘ if you are under 25 (text YM to 85258). See below for full details.

You can now self refer to the COMMUNITY WELLBEING HUB at St John’s. More information below.

We also have two PRACTICE MENTAL HEALTH NURSES who offer appointments three days a week for patients with urgent mental health concerns.

‘WESTSPACE ‘ is an on-line directory full of local mental health supports, including COUNSELLING.

Please also see below for further specific mental health supports.

Lothian Wellbeing

Find information and tools to help with your wellbeing and mental health.

Mental Health Information Station

​Your first stop for mental health information & resources. Are you affected with mental health issues? Or do you care for someone who is?

Mental Health Assessment Service

What is MHAS? MHAS is an emergency mental health assessment service. We are a nurse led team based at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We also provide a service at the Royal Infirmary from 5pm – 8am Monday to Thursday and from 5pm Friday to 8am Monday.
0131 286 8137

Neil’s Hugs Foundation

Neil's Hugs Foundation exists to help, understand and give support to families and friends affected by suicide.
07446 717501

Stepping Stones to Wellbeing

The Stepping Stones to Wellbeing service supports people within our local community to come together and participate in carefully developed groups and courses. Our groups/courses focus on key areas, for example mental wellbeing; the impact of bereavement and loss; practical skills for life including a money masterclass.
01506 238 980

Wellbeing Recovery Group (formerly CYPT)

The Wellbeing Recovery Group now accept self referrals for any young person who is struggling with their mental health such that it is severely impacting on their school and/or home life. This is for young people who do not meet the criteria for CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service) but a member from that team is involved in the weekly triage meetings so your referral will be directed to the most appropriate service.

Feeling Good: positive mindse‪t

The Feeling Good app is accredited by NHS digital - a mark of its effectiveness, safety and good function. The app contains the scientifically proven audio programme Feeling Good for Life, which is the new name for Positive Mental Training, a series of 12 audio tracks to help you build essential skills, not only to deal with mental stresses and strains, but to bounce forwards and become mentally stronger and more resilient.

Health in Mind

At Health in Mind, we’ve been promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in Scotland since 1982. We do this by providing a wide range of services and courses to support people and enable them to make a positive difference in their lives.
01506 637572

Local Mental Health Services

Information on Mental Health Services available in the West Lothian area.

Westspace – local mental health supports & counselling

Westspace is West Lothian’s online source of mental health and wellbeing information. You will also find up to date information on local counselling agencies here.

West Lothian Community Wellbeing Hubs

We know that sometimes life’s challenges can affect people’s mental health. The West Lothian Community Wellbeing Hubs are an NHS service for people with common mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression, low confidence and stress. The Hubs have a skilled team of NHS therapists, who work in partnership with a team of Community Link Workers, employed by Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health (LAMH).

Bipolar Scotland

Founded in 1992, we are Scotland’s national charity for everyone who lives with bipolar disorder and those who care for them. We challenge stigma and discrimination while representing the views of people who live with bipolar to politicians and health professionals.

Breathing Space – Emergency 24/7 help

Breathing Space complements the work of other phone lines and agencies which are endeavouring to reduce suicide rates in Scotland. " Open up when you are feeling down."
0800 83 85 87

Feeling down or anxious? Beating the Blues 24/7 can help…

Beating the Blues® is an effective treatment for people feeling stressed, depressed, anxious or just down in the dumps. Based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the course is made up of 8 online sessions which last approximately an hour and help you to understand the link between how you think and how this influences your feelings and behaviours. If you are interested in this service please arrange an appointment with your GP, to discuss this further.


Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide. Every six seconds, a we respond to a call for help. We’re here 24/7, before, during and after a crisis.
116 123

SAMH – For Scotland’s Mental Health

We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health – and it’s equally as important to know how to look after it, and how to ask for help if we need it.
0344 800 0550

Scottish Mental Health Service for Deaf People

Who are we? We are a new national service hosted by NHS Lothian. We are committed to providing specialist support in Scotland for deaf people with mental health problems across Scotland.
01506 523671


Suicide is the act of intentionally ending your life. If you’re reading this because you have, or have had, thoughts about taking your own life, it’s important you ask someone for help. It’s probably difficult for you to see at this time, but you’re not alone and not beyond help. Many people who have had suicidal thoughts say they were so overwhelmed by negative feelings they felt they had no other option. However, with support and treatment were able to allow the negative feelings to pass.

Penumbra – Mental Health

We work to improve mental health and wellbeing across Scotland and offer services and support throughout the country, administered by Area Offices. We believe and statistics show that people can and do recover from significant mental health problems. Penumbra supports people to live fulfilling and contributing lives. By following our person centred model of HOPE. For us hope is a vital part of recovery and supporting people to have and hold hope for the future is a key part of our work.

PETAL – People Experiencing Trauma and Loss

PETAL is the most recognised and longest established organisation for people affected by homicide or suicide in Scotland. Our professional service is supported by Scottish Government and other funders. Service provision is FREE and we provides a safe and confidential environment where those experiencing bereavement and traumatic loss, through murder or suicide can receive support, one to one counselling and other therapies. This service provision includes children and young people.
01698 324502

Worry Box (age 6-16 yrs)

This app serves as a journal for children and adolescents to record their worrisome thoughts. Steps are then identified in managing the worry.

Headspace (age 12yrs+)

Meditation app. Learn to relax. 10mins free for 10 days then small subscription.

Combat Stress

Combat Stress is the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health. For a century, they’ve helped former servicemen and women with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
0800 138 1619

Young Minds (under 25 yrs)

Young Minds offer self help, counselling, web based chat and a 24/7 emergency text service for any young person struggling with thoughts of self harm or suicide.