NHS Lothian text communication

Please see this update from NHS Lothian regarding communication you may receive from hospital. Instead of a letter, you may now be given a text with a link to click

Sick Note (Fit Note)

Who do I see?

Self certify first 7 days, then GP via Practice Secretaries


After your period of self certification please contact your GP’s secretary on 01506 414586 in the first instance. You will then be advised if a GP consultation is required. This will usually be the case if it is the first note issued by us, unless you have seen another Clinician – e.g. in hospital

If you have been discharged from hospital, your hospital team will issue any fit notes for the entire period of your recovery. Please contact the ward staff (even after discharge). Schools should not request a GP letter to confirm absence, this can be written by a parent or guardian.

A Fit note can be backdated if required, please discuss this when you see the GP. Please do not use an emergency/urgent appointment for a sick note.Thank you

Self – Certificate.
You can obtain this form from your employer or by visiting the HMRC website. If you are unwell for more than four days you are advised to arrange an appointment to see a Doctor to assess your fitness to work.

Private Certificates
If you or your employer require further information concerning your period(s) of illness , then your Doctor may require to issue you with a letter. Please note that a charge may apply for this service. Please check with our reception desk.