NHS Lothian text communication

Please see this update from NHS Lothian regarding communication you may receive from hospital. Instead of a letter, you may now be given a text with a link to click

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Please complete this form if you have been asked to do so as part of your annual monitoring. If you do not have access to a home BP monitor, we have a self check BP machine in the waiting area which you may use without an appointment.

Please also remember to book an appointment for bloods if you have not had any within the last year (including glucose and lipids).

For more information on your condition and recommended lifestyle adjustments please see here.

Peripheral Vascular Disease Review
Please use format day/month/year e.g. 12/05/1979
Do you smoke? *
Please see review the information available on the benefits of quitting smoking to you and those around you. Find the support you might need to make your quit attempt a success on NHS Inform – Stop Smoking.
Are you experiencing any problems with your medication? *

Privacy Policy

This form collects your name, date of birth, email, other personal information and medical details. This is to confirm you are registered with the practice, to allow the practice team to contact you and also to update your medical records held by the practice and our partners in the NHS. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.