Prostate Tests

For further information about prostate symptoms and PSA screening please see here. As PSA testing alone is not considered sufficient screening for symptomatic men we recommend discussing with GP first.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Please UPLOAD YOUR BP READINGS here if you have been asked to do so either as part of your annual Hypertension review or to monitor your BP. A member of the practice team will contact you within 2 weeks.

If you do not have access to a home monitor, we have a self check BP machine in the waiting area, but if your readings are high with this we may recommend that you borrow a machine for the week from reception (£10 deposit required).

The British Heart Foundation have videos explaining how to measure your blood pressure here.

More information about hypertension, including healthy lifestyle choices which can help reduce your BP can be found here – Blood Pressure UK or NHS inform hypertension.

Please note your readings will need to be submitted when you have the full amount complete – you can download a paper copy to record each days readings here. Please also note your heart rate.

Please select your preferred file format:

Blood Pressure Review
Please use format day/month/year e.g. 06/09/1978
Is this part of your annual review?

Smoking Status

Please view the local smoking cessation advice on NHS Inform. Quit Your Way Services deliver free stop smoking support at a variety of locations and are provided by specialist practitioners.

General Health

How active are you?
Could you eat more healthily?

Your Blood Pressure

Please provide a minimum of one day to a maximum of seven days readings. PLEASE CHECK YOUR BP MORNING AND NIGHT FOR 8 DAYS, but discard the first day’s readings if you have been asked to submit a 7 day profile. Please check your BP on 2 occasions each time and submit the lowest reading.

Day 1

Readings in the Morning
Readings in the Evening

Day 2

Readings in the Morning
Readings in the Evening

Day 3

Readings in the Morning
Readings in the Evening

Day 4

Readings in the Morning
Readings in the Evening

Day 5

Readings in the Morning
Readings in the Evening

Day 6

Readings in the Morning
Readings in the Evening

Day 7

Readings in the Morning
Readings in the Evening

Average Readings

Privacy Policy

This form collects your name, date of birth, email, other personal information and medical details. This is to confirm you are registered with the practice, to allow the practice team to contact you and also to update your medical records held by the practice and our partners in the NHS. Please read our Privacy Policy to discover how we protect and manage your submitted data.